Code Table .NET

- The Internet's most complete list of character codes

i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Syriac Hbasa Above ܺ ܺ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Hbasa Below ܻ ܻ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Hbasa-Esasa Dotted ܼ ܼ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Esasa Above ܽ ܽ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Esasa Below ܾ ܾ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Rwaha ܿ ܿ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Feminine Dot ݀ ݀ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Qushshaya ݁ ݁ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Rukkakha ݂ ݂ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Two Vertical Dots Above ݃ ݃ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Two Vertical Dots Below ݄ ݄ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Three Dots Above ݅ ݅ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Three Dots Below ݆ ݆ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Oblique Line Above ݇ ݇ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Oblique Line Below ݈ ݈ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Music ݉ ݉ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Barrekh ݊ ݊ NonSpacingMark
Syriac Letter Sogdian Zhain ݍ ݍ OtherLetter
Syriac Letter Sogdian Khaph ݎ ݎ OtherLetter
Syriac Letter Sogdian Fe ݏ ݏ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Horizontally Below ݐ ݐ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above ݑ ݑ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below ݒ ݒ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below And Two Dots Above ݓ ݓ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above ݔ ݔ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Inverted Small V Below ݕ ݕ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Beh With Small V ݖ ݖ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Above ݗ ݗ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below ݘ ݘ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Dal With Two Dots Vertically Below And Small Tah ݙ ݙ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted Small V Below ݚ ݚ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Reh With Stroke ݛ ݛ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Seen With Four Dots Above ݜ ݜ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Above ݝ ݝ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above ݞ ݞ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Vertically Above ݟ ݟ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Feh With Two Dots Below ݠ ݠ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below ݡ ݡ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Keheh With Dot Above ݢ ݢ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Above ݣ ݣ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below ݤ ݤ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Above ݥ ݥ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Below ݦ ݦ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Noon With Two Dots Below ݧ ݧ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Noon With Small Tah ݨ ݨ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Noon With Small V ݩ ݩ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Lam With Bar ݪ ݪ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Vertically Above ݫ ݫ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Reh With Hamza Above ݬ ݬ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Seen With Two Dots Vertically Above ݭ ݭ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Below ݮ ݮ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots ݯ ݯ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Seen With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots ݰ ݰ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Reh With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots ݱ ݱ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above ݲ ݲ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above ݳ ݳ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above ݴ ݴ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above ݵ ݵ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above ݶ ݶ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below ݷ ݷ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above ݸ ݸ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above ݹ ݹ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above ݺ ݺ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above ݻ ݻ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Hah With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below ݼ ݼ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Seen With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Above ݽ ݽ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Seen With Inverted V ݾ ݾ OtherLetter
Arabic Letter Kaf With Two Dots Above ݿ ݿ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Haa ހ ހ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Shaviyani ށ ށ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Noonu ނ ނ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Raa ރ ރ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Baa ބ ބ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Lhaviyani ޅ ޅ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Kaafu ކ ކ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Alifu އ އ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Vaavu ވ ވ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Meemu މ މ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Faafu ފ ފ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Dhaalu ދ ދ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Thaa ތ ތ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Laamu ލ ލ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Gaafu ގ ގ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Gnaviyani ޏ ޏ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Seenu ސ ސ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Daviyani ޑ ޑ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Zaviyani ޒ ޒ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Taviyani ޓ ޓ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Yaa ޔ ޔ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Paviyani ޕ ޕ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Javiyani ޖ ޖ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Chaviyani ޗ ޗ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Ttaa ޘ ޘ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Hhaa ޙ ޙ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Khaa ޚ ޚ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Thaalu ޛ ޛ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Zaa ޜ ޜ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Sheenu ޝ ޝ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Saadhu ޞ ޞ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Daadhu ޟ ޟ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter To ޠ ޠ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Zo ޡ ޡ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Ainu ޢ ޢ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Ghainu ޣ ޣ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Qaafu ޤ ޤ OtherLetter
Thaana Letter Waavu ޥ ޥ OtherLetter
Thaana Abafili ަ ަ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Aabaafili ާ ާ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Ibifili ި ި NonSpacingMark
Thaana Eebeefili ީ ީ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Ubufili ު ު NonSpacingMark
Thaana Ooboofili ޫ ޫ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Ebefili ެ ެ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Eybeyfili ޭ ޭ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Obofili ޮ ޮ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Oaboafili ޯ ޯ NonSpacingMark
Thaana Sukun ް ް NonSpacingMark
Thaana Letter Naa ޱ ޱ OtherLetter
Nko Digit Zero ߀ ߀ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit One ߁ ߁ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Two ߂ ߂ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Three ߃ ߃ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Four ߄ ߄ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Five ߅ ߅ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Six ߆ ߆ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Seven ߇ ߇ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Eight ߈ ߈ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Digit Nine ߉ ߉ DecimalDigitNumber
Nko Letter A ߊ ߊ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ee ߋ ߋ OtherLetter
Nko Letter I ߌ ߌ OtherLetter
Nko Letter E ߍ ߍ OtherLetter
Nko Letter U ߎ ߎ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Oo ߏ ߏ OtherLetter
Nko Letter O ߐ ߐ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Dagbasinna ߑ ߑ OtherLetter
Nko Letter N ߒ ߒ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ba ߓ ߓ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Pa ߔ ߔ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ta ߕ ߕ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ja ߖ ߖ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Cha ߗ ߗ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Da ߘ ߘ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ra ߙ ߙ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Rra ߚ ߚ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Sa ߛ ߛ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Gba ߜ ߜ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Fa ߝ ߝ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ka ߞ ߞ OtherLetter
Nko Letter La ߟ ߟ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Na Woloso ߠ ߠ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ma ߡ ߡ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Nya ߢ ߢ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Na ߣ ߣ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ha ߤ ߤ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Wa ߥ ߥ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Ya ߦ ߦ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Nya Woloso ߧ ߧ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Jona Ja ߨ ߨ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Jona Cha ߩ ߩ OtherLetter
Nko Letter Jona Ra ߪ ߪ OtherLetter
Nko Combining Short High Tone ߫ ߫ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Short Low Tone ߬ ߬ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Short Rising Tone ߭ ߭ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Long Descending Tone ߮ ߮ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Long High Tone ߯ ߯ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Long Low Tone ߰ ߰ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Long Rising Tone ߱ ߱ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Nasalization Mark ߲ ߲ NonSpacingMark
Nko Combining Double Dot Above ߳ ߳ NonSpacingMark
Nko High Tone Apostrophe ߴ ߴ ModifierLetter
Nko Low Tone Apostrophe ߵ ߵ ModifierLetter
Nko Symbol Oo Dennen ߶ ߶ OtherSymbol
Nko Symbol Gbakurunen ߷ ߷ OtherPunctuation
Nko Comma ߸ ߸ OtherPunctuation
Nko Exclamation Mark ߹ ߹ OtherPunctuation
Nko Lajanyalan ߺ ߺ ModifierLetter
Samaritan Letter Alaf ࠀ ࠀ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Bit ࠁ ࠁ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Gaman ࠂ ࠂ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Dalat ࠃ ࠃ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Iy ࠄ ࠄ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Baa ࠅ ࠅ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Zen ࠆ ࠆ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter It ࠇ ࠇ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Tit ࠈ ࠈ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Yut ࠉ ࠉ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Kaaf ࠊ ࠊ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Labat ࠋ ࠋ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Mim ࠌ ࠌ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Nun ࠍ ࠍ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Singaat ࠎ ࠎ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter In ࠏ ࠏ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Fi ࠐ ࠐ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Tsaadiy ࠑ ࠑ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Quf ࠒ ࠒ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Rish ࠓ ࠓ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Shan ࠔ ࠔ OtherLetter
Samaritan Letter Taaf ࠕ ࠕ OtherLetter
Samaritan Mark In ࠖ ࠖ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Mark In-Alaf ࠗ ࠗ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Mark Occlusion ࠘ ࠘ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Mark Dagesh ࠙ ࠙ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Modifier Letter Epenthetic Yut ࠚ ࠚ ModifierLetter
Samaritan Mark Epenthetic Yut ࠛ ࠛ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long E ࠜ ࠜ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign E ࠝ ࠝ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong Aa ࠞ ࠞ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long Aa ࠟ ࠟ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Aa ࠠ ࠠ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong A ࠡ ࠡ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long A ࠢ ࠢ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign A ࠣ ࠣ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Modifier Letter Short A ࠤ ࠤ ModifierLetter
Samaritan Vowel Sign Short A ࠥ ࠥ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long U ࠦ ࠦ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign U ࠧ ࠧ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Modifier Letter I ࠨ ࠨ ModifierLetter
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long I ࠩ ࠩ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign I ࠪ ࠪ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign O ࠫ ࠫ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Vowel Sign Sukun ࠬ ࠬ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Mark Nequdaa ࠭ ࠭ NonSpacingMark
Samaritan Punctuation Nequdaa ࠰ ࠰ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Afsaaq ࠱ ࠱ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Anged ࠲ ࠲ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Bau ࠳ ࠳ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Atmaau ࠴ ࠴ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Shiyyaalaa ࠵ ࠵ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Abbreviation Mark ࠶ ࠶ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Melodic Qitsa ࠷ ࠷ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Ziqaa ࠸ ࠸ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Qitsa ࠹ ࠹ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Zaef ࠺ ࠺ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Turu ࠻ ࠻ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Arkaanu ࠼ ࠼ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Sof Mashfaat ࠽ ࠽ OtherPunctuation
Samaritan Punctuation Annaau ࠾ ࠾ OtherPunctuation
Mandaic Letter Halqa ࡀ ࡀ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ab ࡁ ࡁ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ag ࡂ ࡂ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ad ࡃ ࡃ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ah ࡄ ࡄ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ushenna ࡅ ࡅ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Az ࡆ ࡆ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter It ࡇ ࡇ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Att ࡈ ࡈ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Aksa ࡉ ࡉ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ak ࡊ ࡊ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Al ࡋ ࡋ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Am ࡌ ࡌ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter An ࡍ ࡍ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter As ࡎ ࡎ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter In ࡏ ࡏ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Ap ࡐ ࡐ OtherLetter
Mandaic Letter Asz ࡑ ࡑ OtherLetter