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Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Ethiopic Syllable Hhaa ሓ ሓ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hhee ሔ ሔ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hhe ሕ ሕ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hho ሖ ሖ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hhwa ሗ ሗ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ma መ መ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mu ሙ ሙ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mi ሚ ሚ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Maa ማ ማ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mee ሜ ሜ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Me ም ም OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mo ሞ ሞ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mwa ሟ ሟ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sza ሠ ሠ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Szu ሡ ሡ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Szi ሢ ሢ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Szaa ሣ ሣ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Szee ሤ ሤ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sze ሥ ሥ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Szo ሦ ሦ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Szwa ሧ ሧ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ra ረ ረ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ru ሩ ሩ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ri ሪ ሪ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Raa ራ ራ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ree ሬ ሬ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Re ር ር OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ro ሮ ሮ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Rwa ሯ ሯ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sa ሰ ሰ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Su ሱ ሱ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Si ሲ ሲ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Saa ሳ ሳ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable See ሴ ሴ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Se ስ ስ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable So ሶ ሶ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Swa ሷ ሷ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sha ሸ ሸ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Shu ሹ ሹ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Shi ሺ ሺ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Shaa ሻ ሻ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Shee ሼ ሼ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable She ሽ ሽ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sho ሾ ሾ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Shwa ሿ ሿ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qa ቀ ቀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qu ቁ ቁ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qi ቂ ቂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qaa ቃ ቃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qee ቄ ቄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qe ቅ ቅ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qo ቆ ቆ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qoa ቇ ቇ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qwa ቈ ቈ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qwi ቊ ቊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qwaa ቋ ቋ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qwee ቌ ቌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qwe ቍ ቍ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qha ቐ ቐ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhu ቑ ቑ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhi ቒ ቒ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhaa ቓ ቓ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhee ቔ ቔ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhe ቕ ቕ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qho ቖ ቖ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhwa ቘ ቘ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhwi ቚ ቚ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhwaa ቛ ቛ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhwee ቜ ቜ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Qhwe ቝ ቝ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ba በ በ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bu ቡ ቡ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bi ቢ ቢ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Baa ባ ባ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bee ቤ ቤ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Be ብ ብ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bo ቦ ቦ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bwa ቧ ቧ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Va ቨ ቨ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Vu ቩ ቩ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Vi ቪ ቪ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Vaa ቫ ቫ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Vee ቬ ቬ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ve ቭ ቭ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Vo ቮ ቮ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Vwa ቯ ቯ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ta ተ ተ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tu ቱ ቱ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ti ቲ ቲ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Taa ታ ታ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tee ቴ ቴ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Te ት ት OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable To ቶ ቶ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Twa ቷ ቷ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ca ቸ ቸ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Cu ቹ ቹ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ci ቺ ቺ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Caa ቻ ቻ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Cee ቼ ቼ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ce ች ች OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Co ቾ ቾ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Cwa ቿ ቿ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xa ኀ ኀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xu ኁ ኁ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xi ኂ ኂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xaa ኃ ኃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xee ኄ ኄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xe ኅ ኅ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xo ኆ ኆ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xoa ኇ ኇ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xwa ኈ ኈ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xwi ኊ ኊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xwaa ኋ ኋ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xwee ኌ ኌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Xwe ኍ ኍ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Na ነ ነ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nu ኑ ኑ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ni ኒ ኒ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Naa ና ና OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nee ኔ ኔ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ne ን ን OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable No ኖ ኖ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nwa ኗ ኗ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nya ኘ ኘ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nyu ኙ ኙ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nyi ኚ ኚ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nyaa ኛ ኛ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nyee ኜ ኜ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nye ኝ ኝ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nyo ኞ ኞ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Nywa ኟ ኟ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal A አ አ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal U ኡ ኡ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal I ኢ ኢ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Aa ኣ ኣ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Ee ኤ ኤ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal E እ እ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal O ኦ ኦ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Glottal Wa ኧ ኧ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ka ከ ከ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ku ኩ ኩ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ki ኪ ኪ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kaa ካ ካ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kee ኬ ኬ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ke ክ ክ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ko ኮ ኮ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Koa ኯ ኯ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kwa ኰ ኰ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kwi ኲ ኲ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kwaa ኳ ኳ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kwee ኴ ኴ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kwe ኵ ኵ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxa ኸ ኸ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxu ኹ ኹ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxi ኺ ኺ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxaa ኻ ኻ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxee ኼ ኼ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxe ኽ ኽ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxo ኾ ኾ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxwa ዀ ዀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxwi ዂ ዂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxwaa ዃ ዃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxwee ዄ ዄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Kxwe ዅ ዅ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Wa ወ ወ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Wu ዉ ዉ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Wi ዊ ዊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Waa ዋ ዋ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Wee ዌ ዌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable We ው ው OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Wo ዎ ዎ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Woa ዏ ዏ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal A ዐ ዐ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal U ዑ ዑ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal I ዒ ዒ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Aa ዓ ዓ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal Ee ዔ ዔ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal E ዕ ዕ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pharyngeal O ዖ ዖ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Za ዘ ዘ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zu ዙ ዙ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zi ዚ ዚ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zaa ዛ ዛ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zee ዜ ዜ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ze ዝ ዝ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zo ዞ ዞ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zwa ዟ ዟ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zha ዠ ዠ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zhu ዡ ዡ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zhi ዢ ዢ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zhaa ዣ ዣ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zhee ዤ ዤ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zhe ዥ ዥ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zho ዦ ዦ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Zhwa ዧ ዧ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ya የ የ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Yu ዩ ዩ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Yi ዪ ዪ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Yaa ያ ያ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Yee ዬ ዬ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ye ይ ይ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Yo ዮ ዮ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Yoa ዯ ዯ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Da ደ ደ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Du ዱ ዱ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Di ዲ ዲ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Daa ዳ ዳ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Dee ዴ ዴ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable De ድ ድ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Do ዶ ዶ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Dwa ዷ ዷ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Dda ዸ ዸ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ddu ዹ ዹ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ddi ዺ ዺ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ddaa ዻ ዻ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ddee ዼ ዼ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Dde ዽ ዽ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ddo ዾ ዾ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ddwa ዿ ዿ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ja ጀ ጀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ju ጁ ጁ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ji ጂ ጂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Jaa ጃ ጃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Jee ጄ ጄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Je ጅ ጅ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Jo ጆ ጆ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Jwa ጇ ጇ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ga ገ ገ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gu ጉ ጉ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gi ጊ ጊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gaa ጋ ጋ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gee ጌ ጌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ge ግ ግ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Go ጎ ጎ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Goa ጏ ጏ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gwa ጐ ጐ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gwi ጒ ጒ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gwaa ጓ ጓ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gwee ጔ ጔ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gwe ጕ ጕ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gga ጘ ጘ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ggu ጙ ጙ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ggi ጚ ጚ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ggaa ጛ ጛ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ggee ጜ ጜ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Gge ጝ ጝ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ggo ጞ ጞ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ggwaa ጟ ጟ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tha ጠ ጠ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Thu ጡ ጡ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Thi ጢ ጢ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Thaa ጣ ጣ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Thee ጤ ጤ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable The ጥ ጥ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tho ጦ ጦ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Thwa ጧ ጧ OtherLetter