Code Table .NET

- The Internet's most complete list of character codes

i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Ethiopic Syllable Cha ጨ ጨ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Chu ጩ ጩ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Chi ጪ ጪ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Chaa ጫ ጫ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Chee ጬ ጬ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Che ጭ ጭ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Cho ጮ ጮ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Chwa ጯ ጯ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pha ጰ ጰ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Phu ጱ ጱ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Phi ጲ ጲ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Phaa ጳ ጳ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Phee ጴ ጴ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Phe ጵ ጵ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pho ጶ ጶ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Phwa ጷ ጷ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tsa ጸ ጸ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tsu ጹ ጹ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tsi ጺ ጺ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tsaa ጻ ጻ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tsee ጼ ጼ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tse ጽ ጽ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tso ጾ ጾ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tswa ጿ ጿ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tza ፀ ፀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tzu ፁ ፁ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tzi ፂ ፂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tzaa ፃ ፃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tzee ፄ ፄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tze ፅ ፅ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tzo ፆ ፆ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Tzoa ፇ ፇ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fa ፈ ፈ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fu ፉ ፉ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fi ፊ ፊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Faa ፋ ፋ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fee ፌ ፌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fe ፍ ፍ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fo ፎ ፎ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fwa ፏ ፏ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pa ፐ ፐ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pu ፑ ፑ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pi ፒ ፒ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Paa ፓ ፓ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pee ፔ ፔ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pe ፕ ፕ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Po ፖ ፖ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pwa ፗ ፗ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Rya ፘ ፘ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mya ፙ ፙ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fya ፚ ፚ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Combining Gemination And Vowel Length Mark ፝ ፝ NonSpacingMark
Ethiopic Combining Vowel Length Mark ፞ ፞ NonSpacingMark
Ethiopic Combining Gemination Mark ፟ ፟ NonSpacingMark
Ethiopic Section Mark ፠ ፠ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Wordspace ፡ ፡ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Full Stop ። ። OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Comma ፣ ፣ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Semicolon ፤ ፤ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Colon ፥ ፥ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Preface Colon ፦ ፦ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Question Mark ፧ ፧ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Paragraph Separator ፨ ፨ OtherPunctuation
Ethiopic Digit One ፩ ፩ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Two ፪ ፪ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Three ፫ ፫ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Four ፬ ፬ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Five ፭ ፭ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Six ፮ ፮ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Seven ፯ ፯ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Eight ፰ ፰ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Digit Nine ፱ ፱ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Ten ፲ ፲ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Twenty ፳ ፳ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Thirty ፴ ፴ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Forty ፵ ፵ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Fifty ፶ ፶ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Sixty ፷ ፷ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Seventy ፸ ፸ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Eighty ፹ ፹ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Ninety ፺ ፺ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Hundred ፻ ፻ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Number Ten Thousand ፼ ፼ OtherNumber
Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Mwa ᎀ ᎀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mwi ᎁ ᎁ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mwee ᎂ ᎂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Mwe ᎃ ᎃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Bwa ᎄ ᎄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bwi ᎅ ᎅ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bwee ᎆ ᎆ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Bwe ᎇ ᎇ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Fwa ᎈ ᎈ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fwi ᎉ ᎉ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fwee ᎊ ᎊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Fwe ᎋ ᎋ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Sebatbeit Pwa ᎌ ᎌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pwi ᎍ ᎍ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pwee ᎎ ᎎ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Pwe ᎏ ᎏ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Yizet ᎐ ᎐ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Deret ᎑ ᎑ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Rikrik ᎒ ᎒ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Short Rikrik ᎓ ᎓ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Difat ᎔ ᎔ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Kenat ᎕ ᎕ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Chiret ᎖ ᎖ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Hidet ᎗ ᎗ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Deret-Hidet ᎘ ᎘ OtherSymbol
Ethiopic Tonal Mark Kurt ᎙ ᎙ OtherSymbol
Cherokee Letter A Ꭰ Ꭰ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter E Ꭱ Ꭱ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter I Ꭲ Ꭲ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter O Ꭳ Ꭳ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter U Ꭴ Ꭴ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter V Ꭵ Ꭵ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ga Ꭶ Ꭶ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ka Ꭷ Ꭷ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ge Ꭸ Ꭸ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Gi Ꭹ Ꭹ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Go Ꭺ Ꭺ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Gu Ꭻ Ꭻ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Gv Ꭼ Ꭼ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ha Ꭽ Ꭽ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter He Ꭾ Ꭾ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Hi Ꭿ Ꭿ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ho Ꮀ Ꮀ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Hu Ꮁ Ꮁ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Hv Ꮂ Ꮂ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter La Ꮃ Ꮃ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Le Ꮄ Ꮄ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Li Ꮅ Ꮅ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Lo Ꮆ Ꮆ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Lu Ꮇ Ꮇ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Lv Ꮈ Ꮈ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ma Ꮉ Ꮉ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Me Ꮊ Ꮊ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Mi Ꮋ Ꮋ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Mo Ꮌ Ꮌ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Mu Ꮍ Ꮍ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Na Ꮎ Ꮎ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Hna Ꮏ Ꮏ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Nah Ꮐ Ꮐ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ne Ꮑ Ꮑ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ni Ꮒ Ꮒ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter No Ꮓ Ꮓ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Nu Ꮔ Ꮔ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Nv Ꮕ Ꮕ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Qua Ꮖ Ꮖ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Que Ꮗ Ꮗ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Qui Ꮘ Ꮘ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Quo Ꮙ Ꮙ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Quu Ꮚ Ꮚ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Quv Ꮛ Ꮛ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Sa Ꮜ Ꮜ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter S Ꮝ Ꮝ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Se Ꮞ Ꮞ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Si Ꮟ Ꮟ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter So Ꮠ Ꮠ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Su Ꮡ Ꮡ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Sv Ꮢ Ꮢ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Da Ꮣ Ꮣ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ta Ꮤ Ꮤ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter De Ꮥ Ꮥ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Te Ꮦ Ꮦ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Di Ꮧ Ꮧ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ti Ꮨ Ꮨ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Do Ꮩ Ꮩ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Du Ꮪ Ꮪ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Dv Ꮫ Ꮫ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Dla Ꮬ Ꮬ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tla Ꮭ Ꮭ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tle Ꮮ Ꮮ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tli Ꮯ Ꮯ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tlo Ꮰ Ꮰ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tlu Ꮱ Ꮱ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tlv Ꮲ Ꮲ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tsa Ꮳ Ꮳ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tse Ꮴ Ꮴ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tsi Ꮵ Ꮵ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tso Ꮶ Ꮶ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tsu Ꮷ Ꮷ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Tsv Ꮸ Ꮸ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Wa Ꮹ Ꮹ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter We Ꮺ Ꮺ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Wi Ꮻ Ꮻ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Wo Ꮼ Ꮼ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Wu Ꮽ Ꮽ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Wv Ꮾ Ꮾ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ya Ꮿ Ꮿ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Ye Ᏸ Ᏸ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Yi Ᏹ Ᏹ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Yo Ᏺ Ᏺ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Yu Ᏻ Ᏻ UppercaseLetter
Cherokee Letter Yv Ᏼ Ᏼ UppercaseLetter
Canadian Syllabics Hyphen ᐀ ᐀ DashPunctuation
Canadian Syllabics E ᐁ ᐁ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Aai ᐂ ᐂ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics I ᐃ ᐃ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Ii ᐄ ᐄ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics O ᐅ ᐅ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Oo ᐆ ᐆ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Oo ᐇ ᐇ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Carrier Ee ᐈ ᐈ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Carrier I ᐉ ᐉ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics A ᐊ ᐊ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Aa ᐋ ᐋ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics We ᐌ ᐌ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree We ᐍ ᐍ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Wi ᐎ ᐎ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wi ᐏ ᐏ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Wii ᐐ ᐐ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wii ᐑ ᐑ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Wo ᐒ ᐒ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wo ᐓ ᐓ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Woo ᐔ ᐔ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Woo ᐕ ᐕ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Woo ᐖ ᐖ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Wa ᐗ ᐗ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Wa ᐘ ᐘ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Waa ᐙ ᐙ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Waa ᐚ ᐚ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Naskapi Waa ᐛ ᐛ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Ai ᐜ ᐜ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree W ᐝ ᐝ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Glottal Stop ᐞ ᐞ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Acute ᐟ ᐟ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Grave ᐠ ᐠ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Bottom Half Ring ᐡ ᐡ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Top Half Ring ᐢ ᐢ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Right Half Ring ᐣ ᐣ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Ring ᐤ ᐤ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Double Acute ᐥ ᐥ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Double Short Vertical Strokes ᐦ ᐦ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Middle Dot ᐧ ᐧ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Short Horizontal Stroke ᐨ ᐨ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Plus ᐩ ᐩ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Final Down Tack ᐪ ᐪ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics En ᐫ ᐫ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics In ᐬ ᐬ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics On ᐭ ᐭ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics An ᐮ ᐮ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Pe ᐯ ᐯ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Paai ᐰ ᐰ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Pi ᐱ ᐱ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Pii ᐲ ᐲ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Po ᐳ ᐳ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Poo ᐴ ᐴ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Y-Cree Poo ᐵ ᐵ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hee ᐶ ᐶ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Carrier Hi ᐷ ᐷ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Pa ᐸ ᐸ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Paa ᐹ ᐹ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Pwe ᐺ ᐺ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwe ᐻ ᐻ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics Pwi ᐼ ᐼ OtherLetter
Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Pwi ᐽ ᐽ OtherLetter