Code Table .NET

- The Internet's most complete list of character codes

i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Hangul Choseong Nieun-Kiyeok ᄓ ᄓ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ssangnieun ᄔ ᄔ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Nieun-Tikeut ᄕ ᄕ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Nieun-Pieup ᄖ ᄖ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Kiyeok ᄗ ᄗ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Rieul-Nieun ᄘ ᄘ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ssangrieul ᄙ ᄙ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Rieul-Hieuh ᄚ ᄚ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Kapyeounrieul ᄛ ᄛ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Mieum-Pieup ᄜ ᄜ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Kapyeounmieum ᄝ ᄝ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Kiyeok ᄞ ᄞ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Nieun ᄟ ᄟ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Tikeut ᄠ ᄠ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios ᄡ ᄡ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Kiyeok ᄢ ᄢ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Tikeut ᄣ ᄣ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Pieup ᄤ ᄤ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Ssangsios ᄥ ᄥ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Sios-Cieuc ᄦ ᄦ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Cieuc ᄧ ᄧ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Chieuch ᄨ ᄨ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Thieuth ᄩ ᄩ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pieup-Phieuph ᄪ ᄪ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Kapyeounpieup ᄫ ᄫ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Kapyeounssangpieup ᄬ ᄬ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Kiyeok ᄭ ᄭ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Nieun ᄮ ᄮ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Tikeut ᄯ ᄯ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Rieul ᄰ ᄰ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Mieum ᄱ ᄱ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Pieup ᄲ ᄲ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Pieup-Kiyeok ᄳ ᄳ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Ssangsios ᄴ ᄴ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Ieung ᄵ ᄵ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Cieuc ᄶ ᄶ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Chieuch ᄷ ᄷ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Khieukh ᄸ ᄸ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Thieuth ᄹ ᄹ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Phieuph ᄺ ᄺ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Sios-Hieuh ᄻ ᄻ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chitueumsios ᄼ ᄼ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chitueumssangsios ᄽ ᄽ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumsios ᄾ ᄾ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumssangsios ᄿ ᄿ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Pansios ᅀ ᅀ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Kiyeok ᅁ ᅁ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Tikeut ᅂ ᅂ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Mieum ᅃ ᅃ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Pieup ᅄ ᅄ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Sios ᅅ ᅅ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Pansios ᅆ ᅆ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ssangieung ᅇ ᅇ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Cieuc ᅈ ᅈ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Chieuch ᅉ ᅉ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Thieuth ᅊ ᅊ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ieung-Phieuph ᅋ ᅋ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Yesieung ᅌ ᅌ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Cieuc-Ieung ᅍ ᅍ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chitueumcieuc ᅎ ᅎ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chitueumssangcieuc ᅏ ᅏ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumcieuc ᅐ ᅐ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumssangcieuc ᅑ ᅑ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chieuch-Khieukh ᅒ ᅒ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chieuch-Hieuh ᅓ ᅓ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Chitueumchieuch ᅔ ᅔ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ceongchieumchieuch ᅕ ᅕ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Phieuph-Pieup ᅖ ᅖ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Kapyeounphieuph ᅗ ᅗ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Ssanghieuh ᅘ ᅘ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Yeorinhieuh ᅙ ᅙ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Kiyeok-Tikeut ᅚ ᅚ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Nieun-Sios ᅛ ᅛ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Nieun-Cieuc ᅜ ᅜ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Nieun-Hieuh ᅝ ᅝ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Tikeut-Rieul ᅞ ᅞ OtherLetter
Hangul Choseong Filler ᅟ ᅟ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Filler ᅠ ᅠ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong A ᅡ ᅡ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ae ᅢ ᅢ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ya ᅣ ᅣ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yae ᅤ ᅤ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eo ᅥ ᅥ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong E ᅦ ᅦ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yeo ᅧ ᅧ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ye ᅨ ᅨ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O ᅩ ᅩ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Wa ᅪ ᅪ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Wae ᅫ ᅫ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Oe ᅬ ᅬ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yo ᅭ ᅭ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong U ᅮ ᅮ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Weo ᅯ ᅯ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong We ᅰ ᅰ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Wi ᅱ ᅱ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu ᅲ ᅲ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eu ᅳ ᅳ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yi ᅴ ᅴ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I ᅵ ᅵ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong A-O ᅶ ᅶ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong A-U ᅷ ᅷ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ya-O ᅸ ᅸ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ya-Yo ᅹ ᅹ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eo-O ᅺ ᅺ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eo-U ᅻ ᅻ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eo-Eu ᅼ ᅼ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yeo-O ᅽ ᅽ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yeo-U ᅾ ᅾ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-Eo ᅿ ᅿ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-E ᆀ ᆀ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-Ye ᆁ ᆁ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-O ᆂ ᆂ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-U ᆃ ᆃ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yo-Ya ᆄ ᆄ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yo-Yae ᆅ ᆅ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yo-Yeo ᆆ ᆆ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yo-O ᆇ ᆇ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yo-I ᆈ ᆈ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong U-A ᆉ ᆉ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong U-Ae ᆊ ᆊ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong U-Eo-Eu ᆋ ᆋ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong U-Ye ᆌ ᆌ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong U-U ᆍ ᆍ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-A ᆎ ᆎ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-Eo ᆏ ᆏ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-E ᆐ ᆐ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-Yeo ᆑ ᆑ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-Ye ᆒ ᆒ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-U ᆓ ᆓ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yu-I ᆔ ᆔ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eu-U ᆕ ᆕ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Eu-Eu ᆖ ᆖ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yi-U ᆗ ᆗ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I-A ᆘ ᆘ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I-Ya ᆙ ᆙ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I-O ᆚ ᆚ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I-U ᆛ ᆛ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I-Eu ᆜ ᆜ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong I-Araea ᆝ ᆝ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Araea ᆞ ᆞ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Araea-Eo ᆟ ᆟ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Araea-U ᆠ ᆠ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Araea-I ᆡ ᆡ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ssangaraea ᆢ ᆢ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong A-Eu ᆣ ᆣ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Ya-U ᆤ ᆤ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong Yeo-Ya ᆥ ᆥ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-Ya ᆦ ᆦ OtherLetter
Hangul Jungseong O-Yae ᆧ ᆧ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok ᆨ ᆨ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ssangkiyeok ᆩ ᆩ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Sios ᆪ ᆪ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun ᆫ ᆫ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Cieuc ᆬ ᆬ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Hieuh ᆭ ᆭ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Tikeut ᆮ ᆮ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul ᆯ ᆯ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok ᆰ ᆰ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum ᆱ ᆱ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup ᆲ ᆲ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Sios ᆳ ᆳ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Thieuth ᆴ ᆴ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Phieuph ᆵ ᆵ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Hieuh ᆶ ᆶ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum ᆷ ᆷ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Pieup ᆸ ᆸ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Sios ᆹ ᆹ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Sios ᆺ ᆺ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ssangsios ᆻ ᆻ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ieung ᆼ ᆼ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Cieuc ᆽ ᆽ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Chieuch ᆾ ᆾ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Khieukh ᆿ ᆿ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Thieuth ᇀ ᇀ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Phieuph ᇁ ᇁ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Hieuh ᇂ ᇂ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Rieul ᇃ ᇃ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Sios-Kiyeok ᇄ ᇄ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Kiyeok ᇅ ᇅ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Tikeut ᇆ ᇆ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Sios ᇇ ᇇ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Pansios ᇈ ᇈ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Nieun-Thieuth ᇉ ᇉ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Kiyeok ᇊ ᇊ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Tikeut-Rieul ᇋ ᇋ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kiyeok-Sios ᇌ ᇌ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Nieun ᇍ ᇍ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Tikeut ᇎ ᇎ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Tikeut-Hieuh ᇏ ᇏ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ssangrieul ᇐ ᇐ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Kiyeok ᇑ ᇑ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Mieum-Sios ᇒ ᇒ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Sios ᇓ ᇓ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pieup-Hieuh ᇔ ᇔ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Kapyeounpieup ᇕ ᇕ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Ssangsios ᇖ ᇖ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Pansios ᇗ ᇗ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Khieukh ᇘ ᇘ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Rieul-Yeorinhieuh ᇙ ᇙ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Kiyeok ᇚ ᇚ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Rieul ᇛ ᇛ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pieup ᇜ ᇜ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Sios ᇝ ᇝ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Ssangsios ᇞ ᇞ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Pansios ᇟ ᇟ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Chieuch ᇠ ᇠ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Mieum-Hieuh ᇡ ᇡ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounmieum ᇢ ᇢ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Rieul ᇣ ᇣ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Phieuph ᇤ ᇤ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Pieup-Hieuh ᇥ ᇥ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounpieup ᇦ ᇦ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Sios-Kiyeok ᇧ ᇧ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Sios-Tikeut ᇨ ᇨ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Sios-Rieul ᇩ ᇩ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Sios-Pieup ᇪ ᇪ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Pansios ᇫ ᇫ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Kiyeok ᇬ ᇬ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Ssangkiyeok ᇭ ᇭ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ssangieung ᇮ ᇮ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ieung-Khieukh ᇯ ᇯ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Yesieung ᇰ ᇰ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Sios ᇱ ᇱ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Yesieung-Pansios ᇲ ᇲ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Phieuph-Pieup ᇳ ᇳ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kapyeounphieuph ᇴ ᇴ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Nieun ᇵ ᇵ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Rieul ᇶ ᇶ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Mieum ᇷ ᇷ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Hieuh-Pieup ᇸ ᇸ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Yeorinhieuh ᇹ ᇹ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Nieun ᇺ ᇺ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Pieup ᇻ ᇻ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Chieuch ᇼ ᇼ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Khieukh ᇽ ᇽ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Kiyeok-Hieuh ᇾ ᇾ OtherLetter
Hangul Jongseong Ssangnieun ᇿ ᇿ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ha ሀ ሀ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hu ሁ ሁ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hi ሂ ሂ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Haa ሃ ሃ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hee ሄ ሄ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable He ህ ህ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Ho ሆ ሆ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hoa ሇ ሇ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable La ለ ለ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Lu ሉ ሉ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Li ሊ ሊ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Laa ላ ላ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Lee ሌ ሌ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Le ል ል OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Lo ሎ ሎ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Lwa ሏ ሏ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hha ሐ ሐ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hhu ሑ ሑ OtherLetter
Ethiopic Syllable Hhi ሒ ሒ OtherLetter