Code Table .NET

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i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-36 𝈲 𝈲 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-37 𝈳 𝈳 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-38 𝈴 𝈴 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-39 𝈵 𝈵 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-40 𝈶 𝈶 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-42 𝈷 𝈷 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-43 𝈸 𝈸 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-45 𝈹 𝈹 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-47 𝈺 𝈺 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-48 𝈻 𝈻 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-49 𝈼 𝈼 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-50 𝈽 𝈽 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-51 𝈾 𝈾 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-52 𝈿 𝈿 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-53 𝉀 𝉀 OtherPunctuation
Greek Instrumental Notation Symbol-54 𝉁 𝉁 OtherPunctuation
Combining Greek Musical Triseme 𝉂 𝉂 OtherPunctuation
Combining Greek Musical Tetraseme 𝉃 𝉃 OtherPunctuation
Combining Greek Musical Pentaseme 𝉄 𝉄 OtherPunctuation
Greek Musical Leimma 𝉅 𝉅 OtherPunctuation
Monogram For Earth 𝌀 𝌀 OtherPunctuation
Digram For Heavenly Earth 𝌁 𝌁 OtherPunctuation
Digram For Human Earth 𝌂 𝌂 OtherPunctuation
Digram For Earthly Heaven 𝌃 𝌃 OtherPunctuation
Digram For Earthly Human 𝌄 𝌄 OtherPunctuation
Digram For Earth 𝌅 𝌅 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Centre 𝌆 𝌆 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Full Circle 𝌇 𝌇 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Mired 𝌈 𝌈 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Barrier 𝌉 𝌉 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Keeping Small 𝌊 𝌊 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Contrariety 𝌋 𝌋 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Ascent 𝌌 𝌌 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Opposition 𝌍 𝌍 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Branching Out 𝌎 𝌎 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Defectiveness Or Distortion 𝌏 𝌏 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Divergence 𝌐 𝌐 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Youthfulness 𝌑 𝌑 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Increase 𝌒 𝌒 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Penetration 𝌓 𝌓 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Reach 𝌔 𝌔 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Contact 𝌕 𝌕 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Holding Back 𝌖 𝌖 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Waiting 𝌗 𝌗 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Following 𝌘 𝌘 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Advance 𝌙 𝌙 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Release 𝌚 𝌚 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Resistance 𝌛 𝌛 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Ease 𝌜 𝌜 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Joy 𝌝 𝌝 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Contention 𝌞 𝌞 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Endeavour 𝌟 𝌟 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Duties 𝌠 𝌠 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Change 𝌡 𝌡 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Decisiveness 𝌢 𝌢 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Bold Resolution 𝌣 𝌣 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Packing 𝌤 𝌤 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Legion 𝌥 𝌥 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Closeness 𝌦 𝌦 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Kinship 𝌧 𝌧 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Gathering 𝌨 𝌨 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Strength 𝌩 𝌩 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Purity 𝌪 𝌪 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Fullness 𝌫 𝌫 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Residence 𝌬 𝌬 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Law Or Model 𝌭 𝌭 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Response 𝌮 𝌮 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Going To Meet 𝌯 𝌯 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Encounters 𝌰 𝌰 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Stove 𝌱 𝌱 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Greatness 𝌲 𝌲 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Enlargement 𝌳 𝌳 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Pattern 𝌴 𝌴 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Ritual 𝌵 𝌵 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Flight 𝌶 𝌶 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Vastness Or Wasting 𝌷 𝌷 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Constancy 𝌸 𝌸 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Measure 𝌹 𝌹 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Eternity 𝌺 𝌺 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Unity 𝌻 𝌻 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Diminishment 𝌼 𝌼 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Closed Mouth 𝌽 𝌽 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Guardedness 𝌾 𝌾 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Gathering In 𝌿 𝌿 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Massing 𝍀 𝍀 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Accumulation 𝍁 𝍁 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Embellishment 𝍂 𝍂 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Doubt 𝍃 𝍃 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Watch 𝍄 𝍄 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Sinking 𝍅 𝍅 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Inner 𝍆 𝍆 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Departure 𝍇 𝍇 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Darkening 𝍈 𝍈 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Dimming 𝍉 𝍉 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Exhaustion 𝍊 𝍊 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Severance 𝍋 𝍋 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Stoppage 𝍌 𝍌 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Hardness 𝍍 𝍍 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Completion 𝍎 𝍎 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Closure 𝍏 𝍏 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Failure 𝍐 𝍐 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Aggravation 𝍑 𝍑 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Compliance 𝍒 𝍒 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For On The Verge 𝍓 𝍓 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Difficulties 𝍔 𝍔 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Labouring 𝍕 𝍕 OtherPunctuation
Tetragram For Fostering 𝍖 𝍖 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit One 𝍠 𝍠 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Two 𝍡 𝍡 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Three 𝍢 𝍢 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Four 𝍣 𝍣 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Five 𝍤 𝍤 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Six 𝍥 𝍥 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Seven 𝍦 𝍦 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Eight 𝍧 𝍧 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Unit Digit Nine 𝍨 𝍨 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit One 𝍩 𝍩 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Two 𝍪 𝍪 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Three 𝍫 𝍫 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Four 𝍬 𝍬 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Five 𝍭 𝍭 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Six 𝍮 𝍮 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Seven 𝍯 𝍯 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Eight 𝍰 𝍰 OtherPunctuation
Counting Rod Tens Digit Nine 𝍱 𝍱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital A 𝐀 𝐀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital B 𝐁 𝐁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital C 𝐂 𝐂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital D 𝐃 𝐃 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital E 𝐄 𝐄 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital F 𝐅 𝐅 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital G 𝐆 𝐆 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital H 𝐇 𝐇 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital I 𝐈 𝐈 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital J 𝐉 𝐉 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital K 𝐊 𝐊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital L 𝐋 𝐋 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital M 𝐌 𝐌 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital N 𝐍 𝐍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital O 𝐎 𝐎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital P 𝐏 𝐏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital Q 𝐐 𝐐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital R 𝐑 𝐑 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital S 𝐒 𝐒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital T 𝐓 𝐓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital U 𝐔 𝐔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital V 𝐕 𝐕 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital W 𝐖 𝐖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital X 𝐗 𝐗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital Y 𝐘 𝐘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Capital Z 𝐙 𝐙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small A 𝐚 𝐚 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small B 𝐛 𝐛 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small C 𝐜 𝐜 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small D 𝐝 𝐝 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small E 𝐞 𝐞 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small F 𝐟 𝐟 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small G 𝐠 𝐠 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small H 𝐡 𝐡 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small I 𝐢 𝐢 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small J 𝐣 𝐣 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small K 𝐤 𝐤 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small L 𝐥 𝐥 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small M 𝐦 𝐦 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small N 𝐧 𝐧 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small O 𝐨 𝐨 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small P 𝐩 𝐩 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small Q 𝐪 𝐪 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small R 𝐫 𝐫 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small S 𝐬 𝐬 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small T 𝐭 𝐭 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small U 𝐮 𝐮 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small V 𝐯 𝐯 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small W 𝐰 𝐰 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small X 𝐱 𝐱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small Y 𝐲 𝐲 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Small Z 𝐳 𝐳 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital A 𝐴 𝐴 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital B 𝐵 𝐵 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital C 𝐶 𝐶 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital D 𝐷 𝐷 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital E 𝐸 𝐸 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital F 𝐹 𝐹 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital G 𝐺 𝐺 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital H 𝐻 𝐻 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital I 𝐼 𝐼 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital J 𝐽 𝐽 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital K 𝐾 𝐾 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital L 𝐿 𝐿 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital M 𝑀 𝑀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital N 𝑁 𝑁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital O 𝑂 𝑂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital P 𝑃 𝑃 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital Q 𝑄 𝑄 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital R 𝑅 𝑅 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital S 𝑆 𝑆 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital T 𝑇 𝑇 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital U 𝑈 𝑈 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital V 𝑉 𝑉 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital W 𝑊 𝑊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital X 𝑋 𝑋 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital Y 𝑌 𝑌 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Capital Z 𝑍 𝑍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small A 𝑎 𝑎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small B 𝑏 𝑏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small C 𝑐 𝑐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small D 𝑑 𝑑 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small E 𝑒 𝑒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small F 𝑓 𝑓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small G 𝑔 𝑔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small I 𝑖 𝑖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small J 𝑗 𝑗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small K 𝑘 𝑘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small L 𝑙 𝑙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small M 𝑚 𝑚 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small N 𝑛 𝑛 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small O 𝑜 𝑜 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small P 𝑝 𝑝 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small Q 𝑞 𝑞 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small R 𝑟 𝑟 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small S 𝑠 𝑠 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small T 𝑡 𝑡 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small U 𝑢 𝑢 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small V 𝑣 𝑣 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small W 𝑤 𝑤 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small X 𝑥 𝑥 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small Y 𝑦 𝑦 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Italic Small Z 𝑧 𝑧 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital A 𝑨 𝑨 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital B 𝑩 𝑩 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital C 𝑪 𝑪 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital D 𝑫 𝑫 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital E 𝑬 𝑬 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital F 𝑭 𝑭 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital G 𝑮 𝑮 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital H 𝑯 𝑯 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital I 𝑰 𝑰 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital J 𝑱 𝑱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital K 𝑲 𝑲 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital L 𝑳 𝑳 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital M 𝑴 𝑴 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital N 𝑵 𝑵 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital O 𝑶 𝑶 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital P 𝑷 𝑷 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital Q 𝑸 𝑸 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital R 𝑹 𝑹 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital S 𝑺 𝑺 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital T 𝑻 𝑻 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital U 𝑼 𝑼 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital V 𝑽 𝑽 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital W 𝑾 𝑾 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital X 𝑿 𝑿 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital Y 𝒀 𝒀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Capital Z 𝒁 𝒁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small A 𝒂 𝒂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small B 𝒃 𝒃 OtherPunctuation