Code Table .NET

- The Internet's most complete list of character codes

i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Bamum Letter Phase-A Ntap 𖠿 𖠿 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Shoq Nshut Yum 𖡀 𖡀 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nyit Mongkeuaeq 𖡁 𖡁 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Paarae 𖡂 𖡂 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nkaarae 𖡃 𖡃 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Unknown 𖡄 𖡄 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nggen 𖡅 𖡅 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Maesi 𖡆 𖡆 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Njam 𖡇 𖡇 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Mbanyi 𖡈 𖡈 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nyet 𖡉 𖡉 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Teuaen 𖡊 𖡊 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Sot 𖡋 𖡋 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Paam 𖡌 𖡌 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nshiee 𖡍 𖡍 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Maem 𖡎 𖡎 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nyi 𖡏 𖡏 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Kaq 𖡐 𖡐 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nsha 𖡑 𖡑 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Vee 𖡒 𖡒 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Lu 𖡓 𖡓 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Nen 𖡔 𖡔 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Naq 𖡕 𖡕 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-A Mbaq 𖡖 𖡖 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Nshuet 𖡗 𖡗 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Tu Maemgbiee 𖡘 𖡘 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Siee 𖡙 𖡙 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Set Tu 𖡚 𖡚 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Lom Nteum 𖡛 𖡛 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mba Maelee 𖡜 𖡜 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Kieem 𖡝 𖡝 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Yeurae 𖡞 𖡞 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mbaarae 𖡟 𖡟 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Kam 𖡠 𖡠 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Peeshi 𖡡 𖡡 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Yafu Leeraewa 𖡢 𖡢 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Lam Nshut Nyam 𖡣 𖡣 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ntiee Sheuoq 𖡤 𖡤 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ndu Njaa 𖡥 𖡥 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Gheugheuaem 𖡦 𖡦 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Pit 𖡧 𖡧 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Tu Nsiee 𖡨 𖡨 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Shet Njaq 𖡩 𖡩 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Sheuaeqtu 𖡪 𖡪 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mfon Teuaeq 𖡫 𖡫 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mbit Mbaaket 𖡬 𖡬 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Nyi Nteum 𖡭 𖡭 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Keupuq 𖡮 𖡮 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Gheughen 𖡯 𖡯 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Keuyeux 𖡰 𖡰 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Laanae 𖡱 𖡱 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Parum 𖡲 𖡲 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Veum 𖡳 𖡳 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ngkindi Mvop 𖡴 𖡴 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Nggeu Mbu 𖡵 𖡵 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Wuaet 𖡶 𖡶 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Sakeuae 𖡷 𖡷 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Taam 𖡸 𖡸 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Meuq 𖡹 𖡹 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ngguoq 𖡺 𖡺 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ngguoq Large 𖡻 𖡻 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mfiyaq 𖡼 𖡼 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Sue 𖡽 𖡽 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mbeuri 𖡾 𖡾 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Montieen 𖡿 𖡿 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Nyaemae 𖢀 𖢀 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Pungaam 𖢁 𖢁 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Meut Nggeet 𖢂 𖢂 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Feux 𖢃 𖢃 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Mbuoq 𖢄 𖢄 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Fee 𖢅 𖢅 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Keuaem 𖢆 𖢆 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ma Njeuaena 𖢇 𖢇 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ma Njuqa 𖢈 𖢈 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Let 𖢉 𖢉 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Nggaam 𖢊 𖢊 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Nsen 𖢋 𖢋 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ma 𖢌 𖢌 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Kiq 𖢍 𖢍 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-B Ngom 𖢎 𖢎 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ngkue Maemba 𖢏 𖢏 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nza 𖢐 𖢐 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Yum 𖢑 𖢑 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Wangkuoq 𖢒 𖢒 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nggen 𖢓 𖢓 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ndeuaeree 𖢔 𖢔 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ngkaq 𖢕 𖢕 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Gharae 𖢖 𖢖 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbeekeet 𖢗 𖢗 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Gbayi 𖢘 𖢘 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nyir Mkparaq Meun 𖢙 𖢙 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ntu Mbit 𖢚 𖢚 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbeum 𖢛 𖢛 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Pirieen 𖢜 𖢜 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ndombu 𖢝 𖢝 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbaa Cabbage-Tree 𖢞 𖢞 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Keusheuaep 𖢟 𖢟 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ghap 𖢠 𖢠 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Keukaq 𖢡 𖢡 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Yu Muomae 𖢢 𖢢 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nzeum 𖢣 𖢣 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbue 𖢤 𖢤 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nseuaen 𖢥 𖢥 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbit 𖢦 𖢦 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Yeuq 𖢧 𖢧 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Kparaq 𖢨 𖢨 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Kaa 𖢩 𖢩 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Seux 𖢪 𖢪 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ndida 𖢫 𖢫 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Taashae 𖢬 𖢬 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Njueq 𖢭 𖢭 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Tita Yue 𖢮 𖢮 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Suaet 𖢯 𖢯 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ngguaen Nyam 𖢰 𖢰 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Veux 𖢱 𖢱 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nansanaq 𖢲 𖢲 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ma Keuaeri 𖢳 𖢳 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ntaa 𖢴 𖢴 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ngguon 𖢵 𖢵 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Lap 𖢶 𖢶 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbirieen 𖢷 𖢷 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mgbasaq 𖢸 𖢸 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nteungba 𖢹 𖢹 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Teuteux 𖢺 𖢺 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nggum 𖢻 𖢻 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Fue 𖢼 𖢼 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ndeut 𖢽 𖢽 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nsa 𖢾 𖢾 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nshaq 𖢿 𖢿 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Bung 𖣀 𖣀 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Veuaepen 𖣁 𖣁 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mberae 𖣂 𖣂 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ru 𖣃 𖣃 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Njaem 𖣄 𖣄 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Lam 𖣅 𖣅 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Tituaep 𖣆 𖣆 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nsuot Ngom 𖣇 𖣇 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Njeeee 𖣈 𖣈 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ket 𖣉 𖣉 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nggu 𖣊 𖣊 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Maesi 𖣋 𖣋 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbuaem 𖣌 𖣌 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Lu 𖣍 𖣍 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Kut 𖣎 𖣎 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Njam 𖣏 𖣏 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ngom 𖣐 𖣐 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Wup 𖣑 𖣑 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nggueet 𖣒 𖣒 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nsom 𖣓 𖣓 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nten 𖣔 𖣔 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Kuop Nkaarae 𖣕 𖣕 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Nsun 𖣖 𖣖 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ndam 𖣗 𖣗 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ma Nsiee 𖣘 𖣘 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Yaa 𖣙 𖣙 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ndap 𖣚 𖣚 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Shueq 𖣛 𖣛 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Setfon 𖣜 𖣜 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbi 𖣝 𖣝 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Maemba 𖣞 𖣞 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbanyi 𖣟 𖣟 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Keuseux 𖣠 𖣠 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbeux 𖣡 𖣡 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Keum 𖣢 𖣢 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Mbaa Picket 𖣣 𖣣 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Yuwoq 𖣤 𖣤 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Njeux 𖣥 𖣥 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Miee 𖣦 𖣦 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Muae 𖣧 𖣧 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Shiq 𖣨 𖣨 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ken Law 𖣩 𖣩 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ken Fatigue 𖣪 𖣪 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Ngaq 𖣫 𖣫 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Naq 𖣬 𖣬 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Liq 𖣭 𖣭 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Pin 𖣮 𖣮 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Pen 𖣯 𖣯 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-C Tet 𖣰 𖣰 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mbuo 𖣱 𖣱 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Wap 𖣲 𖣲 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nji 𖣳 𖣳 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mfon 𖣴 𖣴 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Njiee 𖣵 𖣵 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Liee 𖣶 𖣶 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Njeut 𖣷 𖣷 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nshee 𖣸 𖣸 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nggaamae 𖣹 𖣹 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nyam 𖣺 𖣺 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Wuaen 𖣻 𖣻 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ngkun 𖣼 𖣼 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Shee 𖣽 𖣽 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ngkap 𖣾 𖣾 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Keuaetmeun 𖣿 𖣿 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Teut 𖤀 𖤀 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Sheuae 𖤁 𖤁 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Njap 𖤂 𖤂 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Sue 𖤃 𖤃 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ket 𖤄 𖤄 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Yaemmae 𖤅 𖤅 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Kuom 𖤆 𖤆 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Sap 𖤇 𖤇 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mfeut 𖤈 𖤈 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ndeux 𖤉 𖤉 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Maleeri 𖤊 𖤊 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Meut 𖤋 𖤋 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Seuaeq 𖤌 𖤌 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Yen 𖤍 𖤍 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Njeuaem 𖤎 𖤎 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Keuot Mbuae 𖤏 𖤏 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ngkeuri 𖤐 𖤐 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Tu 𖤑 𖤑 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ghaa 𖤒 𖤒 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ngkyee 𖤓 𖤓 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Feufeuaet 𖤔 𖤔 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ndee 𖤕 𖤕 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mgbofum 𖤖 𖤖 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Leuaep 𖤗 𖤗 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ndon 𖤘 𖤘 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Moni 𖤙 𖤙 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mgbeun 𖤚 𖤚 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Puut 𖤛 𖤛 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mgbiee 𖤜 𖤜 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mfo 𖤝 𖤝 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Lum 𖤞 𖤞 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nsieep 𖤟 𖤟 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mbaa 𖤠 𖤠 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Kwaet 𖤡 𖤡 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nyet 𖤢 𖤢 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Teuaen 𖤣 𖤣 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Sot 𖤤 𖤤 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Yuwoq 𖤥 𖤥 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Keum 𖤦 𖤦 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Raem 𖤧 𖤧 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Teeee 𖤨 𖤨 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ngkeuaeq 𖤩 𖤩 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mfeuae 𖤪 𖤪 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nsieet 𖤫 𖤫 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Keup 𖤬 𖤬 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Pip 𖤭 𖤭 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Peutae 𖤮 𖤮 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nyue 𖤯 𖤯 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Let 𖤰 𖤰 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nggaam 𖤱 𖤱 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Mfiee 𖤲 𖤲 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nggwaen 𖤳 𖤳 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Yuom 𖤴 𖤴 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Pap 𖤵 𖤵 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Yuop 𖤶 𖤶 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ndam 𖤷 𖤷 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nteum 𖤸 𖤸 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Suae 𖤹 𖤹 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Kun 𖤺 𖤺 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Nggeux 𖤻 𖤻 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Ngkiee 𖤼 𖤼 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Tuot 𖤽 𖤽 OtherPunctuation
Bamum Letter Phase-D Meun 𖤾 𖤾 OtherPunctuation