Code Table .NET

- The Internet's most complete list of character codes

i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Characters

This is an extensive list of over 23,000 unicode characters.
Symbol Name Decimal Code Hex Code Category
Mathematical Bold Italic Small C 𝒄 𝒄 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small D 𝒅 𝒅 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small E 𝒆 𝒆 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small F 𝒇 𝒇 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small G 𝒈 𝒈 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small H 𝒉 𝒉 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small I 𝒊 𝒊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small J 𝒋 𝒋 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small K 𝒌 𝒌 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small L 𝒍 𝒍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small M 𝒎 𝒎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small N 𝒏 𝒏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small O 𝒐 𝒐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small P 𝒑 𝒑 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small Q 𝒒 𝒒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small R 𝒓 𝒓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small S 𝒔 𝒔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small T 𝒕 𝒕 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small U 𝒖 𝒖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small V 𝒗 𝒗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small W 𝒘 𝒘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small X 𝒙 𝒙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small Y 𝒚 𝒚 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Italic Small Z 𝒛 𝒛 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital A 𝒜 𝒜 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital C 𝒞 𝒞 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital D 𝒟 𝒟 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital G 𝒢 𝒢 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital J 𝒥 𝒥 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital K 𝒦 𝒦 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital N 𝒩 𝒩 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital O 𝒪 𝒪 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital P 𝒫 𝒫 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital Q 𝒬 𝒬 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital S 𝒮 𝒮 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital T 𝒯 𝒯 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital U 𝒰 𝒰 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital V 𝒱 𝒱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital W 𝒲 𝒲 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital X 𝒳 𝒳 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital Y 𝒴 𝒴 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Capital Z 𝒵 𝒵 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small A 𝒶 𝒶 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small B 𝒷 𝒷 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small C 𝒸 𝒸 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small D 𝒹 𝒹 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small F 𝒻 𝒻 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small H 𝒽 𝒽 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small I 𝒾 𝒾 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small J 𝒿 𝒿 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small K 𝓀 𝓀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small L 𝓁 𝓁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small M 𝓂 𝓂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small N 𝓃 𝓃 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small P 𝓅 𝓅 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small Q 𝓆 𝓆 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small R 𝓇 𝓇 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small S 𝓈 𝓈 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small T 𝓉 𝓉 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small U 𝓊 𝓊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small V 𝓋 𝓋 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small W 𝓌 𝓌 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small X 𝓍 𝓍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small Y 𝓎 𝓎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Script Small Z 𝓏 𝓏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital A 𝓐 𝓐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital B 𝓑 𝓑 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital C 𝓒 𝓒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital D 𝓓 𝓓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital E 𝓔 𝓔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital F 𝓕 𝓕 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital G 𝓖 𝓖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital H 𝓗 𝓗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital I 𝓘 𝓘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital J 𝓙 𝓙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital K 𝓚 𝓚 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital L 𝓛 𝓛 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital M 𝓜 𝓜 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital N 𝓝 𝓝 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital O 𝓞 𝓞 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital P 𝓟 𝓟 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital Q 𝓠 𝓠 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital R 𝓡 𝓡 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital S 𝓢 𝓢 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital T 𝓣 𝓣 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital U 𝓤 𝓤 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital V 𝓥 𝓥 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital W 𝓦 𝓦 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital X 𝓧 𝓧 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital Y 𝓨 𝓨 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Capital Z 𝓩 𝓩 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small A 𝓪 𝓪 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small B 𝓫 𝓫 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small C 𝓬 𝓬 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small D 𝓭 𝓭 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small E 𝓮 𝓮 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small F 𝓯 𝓯 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small G 𝓰 𝓰 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small H 𝓱 𝓱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small I 𝓲 𝓲 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small J 𝓳 𝓳 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small K 𝓴 𝓴 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small L 𝓵 𝓵 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small M 𝓶 𝓶 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small N 𝓷 𝓷 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small O 𝓸 𝓸 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small P 𝓹 𝓹 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small Q 𝓺 𝓺 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small R 𝓻 𝓻 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small S 𝓼 𝓼 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small T 𝓽 𝓽 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small U 𝓾 𝓾 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small V 𝓿 𝓿 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small W 𝔀 𝔀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small X 𝔁 𝔁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small Y 𝔂 𝔂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Script Small Z 𝔃 𝔃 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital A 𝔄 𝔄 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital B 𝔅 𝔅 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital D 𝔇 𝔇 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital E 𝔈 𝔈 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital F 𝔉 𝔉 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital G 𝔊 𝔊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital J 𝔍 𝔍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital K 𝔎 𝔎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital L 𝔏 𝔏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital M 𝔐 𝔐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital N 𝔑 𝔑 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital O 𝔒 𝔒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital P 𝔓 𝔓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital Q 𝔔 𝔔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital S 𝔖 𝔖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital T 𝔗 𝔗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital U 𝔘 𝔘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital V 𝔙 𝔙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital W 𝔚 𝔚 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital X 𝔛 𝔛 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Capital Y 𝔜 𝔜 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small A 𝔞 𝔞 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small B 𝔟 𝔟 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small C 𝔠 𝔠 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small D 𝔡 𝔡 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small E 𝔢 𝔢 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small F 𝔣 𝔣 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small G 𝔤 𝔤 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small H 𝔥 𝔥 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small I 𝔦 𝔦 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small J 𝔧 𝔧 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small K 𝔨 𝔨 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small L 𝔩 𝔩 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small M 𝔪 𝔪 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small N 𝔫 𝔫 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small O 𝔬 𝔬 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small P 𝔭 𝔭 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small Q 𝔮 𝔮 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small R 𝔯 𝔯 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small S 𝔰 𝔰 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small T 𝔱 𝔱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small U 𝔲 𝔲 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small V 𝔳 𝔳 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small W 𝔴 𝔴 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small X 𝔵 𝔵 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small Y 𝔶 𝔶 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Fraktur Small Z 𝔷 𝔷 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital A 𝔸 𝔸 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital B 𝔹 𝔹 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital D 𝔻 𝔻 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital E 𝔼 𝔼 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital F 𝔽 𝔽 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital G 𝔾 𝔾 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital I 𝕀 𝕀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital J 𝕁 𝕁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital K 𝕂 𝕂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital L 𝕃 𝕃 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital M 𝕄 𝕄 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital O 𝕆 𝕆 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital S 𝕊 𝕊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital T 𝕋 𝕋 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital U 𝕌 𝕌 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital V 𝕍 𝕍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital W 𝕎 𝕎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital X 𝕏 𝕏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Capital Y 𝕐 𝕐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small A 𝕒 𝕒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small B 𝕓 𝕓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small C 𝕔 𝕔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small D 𝕕 𝕕 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small E 𝕖 𝕖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small F 𝕗 𝕗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small G 𝕘 𝕘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small H 𝕙 𝕙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small I 𝕚 𝕚 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small J 𝕛 𝕛 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small K 𝕜 𝕜 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small L 𝕝 𝕝 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small M 𝕞 𝕞 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small N 𝕟 𝕟 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small O 𝕠 𝕠 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small P 𝕡 𝕡 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small Q 𝕢 𝕢 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small R 𝕣 𝕣 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small S 𝕤 𝕤 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small T 𝕥 𝕥 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small U 𝕦 𝕦 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small V 𝕧 𝕧 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small W 𝕨 𝕨 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small X 𝕩 𝕩 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small Y 𝕪 𝕪 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Double-Struck Small Z 𝕫 𝕫 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital A 𝕬 𝕬 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital B 𝕭 𝕭 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital C 𝕮 𝕮 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital D 𝕯 𝕯 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital E 𝕰 𝕰 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital F 𝕱 𝕱 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital G 𝕲 𝕲 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital H 𝕳 𝕳 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital I 𝕴 𝕴 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital J 𝕵 𝕵 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital K 𝕶 𝕶 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital L 𝕷 𝕷 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital M 𝕸 𝕸 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital N 𝕹 𝕹 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital O 𝕺 𝕺 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital P 𝕻 𝕻 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital Q 𝕼 𝕼 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital R 𝕽 𝕽 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital S 𝕾 𝕾 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital T 𝕿 𝕿 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital U 𝖀 𝖀 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital V 𝖁 𝖁 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital W 𝖂 𝖂 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital X 𝖃 𝖃 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital Y 𝖄 𝖄 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Capital Z 𝖅 𝖅 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small A 𝖆 𝖆 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small B 𝖇 𝖇 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small C 𝖈 𝖈 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small D 𝖉 𝖉 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small E 𝖊 𝖊 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small F 𝖋 𝖋 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small G 𝖌 𝖌 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small H 𝖍 𝖍 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small I 𝖎 𝖎 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small J 𝖏 𝖏 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small K 𝖐 𝖐 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small L 𝖑 𝖑 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small M 𝖒 𝖒 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small N 𝖓 𝖓 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small O 𝖔 𝖔 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small P 𝖕 𝖕 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small Q 𝖖 𝖖 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small R 𝖗 𝖗 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small S 𝖘 𝖘 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small T 𝖙 𝖙 OtherPunctuation
Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small U 𝖚 𝖚 OtherPunctuation