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Unicode Group 'Transport And Map Symbols'

This is a list of all the unicode characters that are part of the Transport And Map Symbols group.
Symbol Name Entity Code Decimal Code Hex Code
Rocket 🚀 🚀
Helicopter 🚁 🚁
Steam Locomotive 🚂 🚂
Railway Car 🚃 🚃
High-Speed Train 🚄 🚄
High-Speed Train With Bullet Nose 🚅 🚅
Train 🚆 🚆
Metro 🚇 🚇
Light Rail 🚈 🚈
Station 🚉 🚉
Tram 🚊 🚊
Tram Car 🚋 🚋
Bus 🚌 🚌
Oncoming Bus 🚍 🚍
Trolleybus 🚎 🚎
Bus Stop 🚏 🚏
Minibus 🚐 🚐
Ambulance 🚑 🚑
Fire Engine 🚒 🚒
Police Car 🚓 🚓
Oncoming Police Car 🚔 🚔
Taxi 🚕 🚕
Oncoming Taxi 🚖 🚖
Automobile 🚗 🚗
Oncoming Automobile 🚘 🚘
Recreational Vehicle 🚙 🚙
Delivery Truck 🚚 🚚
Articulated Lorry 🚛 🚛
Tractor 🚜 🚜
Monorail 🚝 🚝
Mountain Railway 🚞 🚞
Suspension Railway 🚟 🚟
Mountain Cableway 🚠 🚠
Aerial Tramway 🚡 🚡
Ship 🚢 🚢
Rowboat 🚣 🚣
Speedboat 🚤 🚤
Horizontal Traffic Light 🚥 🚥
Vertical Traffic Light 🚦 🚦
Construction Sign 🚧 🚧
Police Cars Revolving Light 🚨 🚨
Triangular Flag On Post 🚩 🚩
Door 🚪 🚪
No Entry Sign 🚫 🚫
Smoking Symbol 🚬 🚬
No Smoking Symbol 🚭 🚭
Put Litter In Its Place Symbol 🚮 🚮
Do Not Litter Symbol 🚯 🚯
Potable Water Symbol 🚰 🚰
Non-Potable Water Symbol 🚱 🚱
Bicycle 🚲 🚲
No Bicycles 🚳 🚳
Bicyclist 🚴 🚴
Mountain Bicyclist 🚵 🚵
Pedestrian 🚶 🚶
No Pedestrians 🚷 🚷
Children Crossing 🚸 🚸
Mens Symbol 🚹 🚹
Womens Symbol 🚺 🚺
Restroom 🚻 🚻
Baby Symbol 🚼 🚼
Toilet 🚽 🚽
Water Closet 🚾 🚾
Shower 🚿 🚿
Bath 🛀 🛀
Bathtub 🛁 🛁
Passport Control 🛂 🛂
Customs 🛃 🛃
Baggage Claim 🛄 🛄
Left Luggage 🛅 🛅