Code Table .NET

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i.e. 0xFE or 46 or asterisk

Unicode Group 'Superscripts and Subscripts'

This is a list of all the unicode characters that are part of the Superscripts and Subscripts group.
Symbol Name Entity Code Decimal Code Hex Code
Superscript Zero ⁰ ⁰
Superscript Latin Small Letter I ⁱ ⁱ
Superscript Four ⁴ ⁴
Superscript Five ⁵ ⁵
Superscript Six ⁶ ⁶
Superscript Seven ⁷ ⁷
Superscript Eight ⁸ ⁸
Superscript Nine ⁹ ⁹
Superscript Plus Sign ⁺ ⁺
Superscript Minus ⁻ ⁻
Superscript Equals Sign ⁼ ⁼
Superscript Left Parenthesis ⁽ ⁽
Superscript Right Parenthesis ⁾ ⁾
Superscript Latin Small Letter N ⁿ ⁿ
Subscript Zero ₀ ₀
Subscript One ₁ ₁
Subscript Two ₂ ₂
Subscript Three ₃ ₃
Subscript Four ₄ ₄
Subscript Five ₅ ₅
Subscript Six ₆ ₆
Subscript Seven ₇ ₇
Subscript Eight ₈ ₈
Subscript Nine ₉ ₉
Subscript Plus Sign ₊ ₊
Subscript Minus ₋ ₋
Subscript Equals Sign ₌ ₌
Subscript Left Parenthesis ₍ ₍
Subscript Right Parenthesis ₎ ₎
Latin Subscript Small Letter A ₐ ₐ
Latin Subscript Small Letter E ₑ ₑ
Latin Subscript Small Letter O ₒ ₒ
Latin Subscript Small Letter X ₓ ₓ
Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa ₔ ₔ
Latin Subscript Small Letter H ₕ ₕ
Latin Subscript Small Letter K ₖ ₖ
Latin Subscript Small Letter L ₗ ₗ
Latin Subscript Small Letter M ₘ ₘ
Latin Subscript Small Letter N ₙ ₙ
Latin Subscript Small Letter P ₚ ₚ
Latin Subscript Small Letter S ₛ ₛ
Latin Subscript Small Letter T ₜ ₜ